Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Yes its been a while hasn't it again haha, I feel as if I always open with that. Oh well, I'm here now and that's all that matters! Been super busy with school and extracurricular work this week and last. Just stuff from test's, project's and all that boring stuff. However I have some exciting stuff also to share and that is, last week I volunteered with Seb to hold a recruiting for the ESN (exchange program) tutors, which basically meant we were in the school lobby trying to get find new people interested in tutoring starting next semester. As well we get to conduct the interviews and hopefully pick them, so it's a lot of work but good fun!
I did have time for some fun also last weekend, we had our school's annual KeKa cup which is basically a football/drinking tournament where teams dress up and have chants and in good spirits we drink and play soccer the whole day. Apparently we lost all games (judges were riged I swear haha), but the point was to have fun and that we did!

Now as for this week I'm thick in the action of my new voluntary courses, Blogging and Start-up school. Blogging course is just basically we make our own blog and post on to a school blog as well, using ''wordpress.com''. That means unfortunately I can't use this blog there, however I will still keep this as my main blog and maybe post sometimes similar things on both (here's a link if you are interested: http://mixingandmatching.wordpress.com/ ) I'm always looking for ways to make my blog more creative and appealing so maybe I will pick up a few ideas from there.
As for start-up school it's basically a course and first step to becoming an entrepaneuer , we came up with an idea of starting a Haaga-Helia Radio station as it was in the works a couple of years ago. Me being the talking type and always having a somewhat of a hidden dream of being a Radio host or tv show VJ , I'm super into it so far! See how we progress...

As for the rest of the week, I honestly have no idea haha. We shall se what I come up with , haven't had anytime to plan or think of that. See you later!

Me comfortable as usual working, some pictures from our Star-up ''classroom''

Always time for some sushi!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that radio project sounds good!!! I went to see your ''mixing and matching blog'' and the layout looks SUPER!! <3
