Sunday, October 27, 2013


I've been on my ''autumn'' holiday since Monday, so last week Friday I went to Espoo and on Sunday we went to Stockholm, Sweden for a quick cruise (no pictures unfortunately, such a quick visit) and then Wednesday I came back to Porvoo and been here just taking it easy since then. Nothing special going on. While in Espoo we went for a quick photo shoot and tried out some new camera tricks. The fuzzy pictures are on purpose and I'm not sure if I like them or not...oh well had to try. Next week is Halloween and naturally our school is arranging a party so maybe I'll come up with an outfit and get to you back then, BYEEE!


  1. Jep! I like the boots!!!!
    Yeah you gotta dress up for halloween!! I wanna hallow party too!! :D

    Cool, how did you take the "widescreen" pics?? (the last one)

    1. Yep I got a costume so maybe tomorrow I can blog about it haha. Actually some of the pics are taken with a fisheye lens, or a go pro camera it has a fisheye lens so it come automatically, then I just customized some of the pohots.
