hey everyone!
I've had a terrific week so far, Tuesday was my birthday and I want to thank everyone who congratulated me and I'm going to have to admit I haven't laughed that much for a while regarding some of the birthday wishes and how umm I guess original you'd say they were haha. My dad was here for a business trip so he surprised me and asked for a quick dinner and we just caught up and had a good talk, I don't get to talk to him a lot naturally since my family lives overseas and he travels a lot but when we do talk he has many good pointer's and life lessons that you just cant ignore!
As for yesterday I went out with all my buddies to Cuba, it's a great place and I recommend it to everyone my ageish. There I met and saw tons of other friends and people I haven't seen for age's so it was just the perfect way to spend my birthday with friend's and since I haven't gone out in a while.
Here's just some pictures of me hanging out after work with Juho and taking in the sun on the terrace and my outfit for Wednesday night.
I have a day off work today and tomorrow back to work then it's the weekend, so I'll get back to you hopefully by then! Have a good one.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Now for something more current, so this weekend was my first here with Juho and his family. I have some exams still left for school even though I don't have school anymore so i didnt do anything too wild and the first week of work really drained me (passing out at 11 on both Friday and Saturday night!).
Me and Juho came up with a plan to go buy some shoe shelves from IKEA and build them up as we both have shoes lying around all over our rooms haha. The sun also decided to show up in the evening so we went out to work on this project. Other than that not much to add this weekend, just took it easy, worked out, studied and so on. It's my birthday Tuesday so I got something nice lined up for Wednesday after my exams hurr-ay!
Even Juho's dad was out working on the roof |
Nöykkiö, Espoo, Finland
Hello, so as I mentioned before, this summer I'm back in Espoo living with my friend Juho and his family. However I have my own place in Porvoo where I study, a student apartment to be exact and I have a roomate who we share the apartment with if you will. It's split up so that when you walk in we have a shared entry way where is the bathroom/shower and a small closet and then we each have our own rooms and then a shared kitchen.
I made a point of trying to make my room as cozy as possible for me, as moving into a new city and not knowing anyone i could have my little retreat where i could be comfortable atleast (not a knock on Porvoo i'm enjoying it with or without the room!). So of course i had to decorate the place nice as possible and I have lived previously on my own so i had a good set of furniture and other textiles to decorate it!
However keep in mind it is still a sutdent apartment and theres a certain amount i'm allowed to do to it (the shelves on the wall are not allowed haha) and it's not the greatest, but it's home and people told me especially girl's that it looks much better than their apartments!
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I bought the table from IKEA right before i moved in |
The cabinet on the left is also from IKEA since i couldnt fit all my clothes into the shared closet haha.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
I was thinking (and strongly urged by a few) to put pictures of what i wear since I did mention I like my own style. Im going to have to apologize for the amount of selfie's haha. So these photos are from last summer all the way till now and maybe will give you some insight of what i like to wear.
Looking through these photos I noticed a couple thing's, I really love sleeveless shirts and wearing something over them (especially during the summer). I recently got back into sweaters and I love wearing hoodie's to school and so on. Yes im style conscious but I still dont mind wearing hoodies and thinking ''damn I look good'' haha, oh and one day i mightfeel like wearing something preppy and then next something more ''urbanish'', so I don't like defying my style as something specific!
Last but not least, I am a shoe fanatic! I don't have alot of shoes (according to my fellow shoe addicts sister and older brother), the picture with my converse is from last year and yes I have even more pairs.
Sorry for some of the awkward poses haha, and you can find majority of these photos and more in my instagram @alberttoo.
On another note, I just started work this monday as a course maintenance guy I suppose it's called (kentänhoitaja in Finnish) at Master Golf in Espoo. All my work day's start at 6 in the morning, but guess what I already got used to it and enjoy it so far! I get to be out in the sun the whole day and do some manly work while driving around buggies and golf carts, it's great so far haha...but I'll try to work on pictures and so on , so I dont have to resort to old photos!
so later people!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
I'm officially done with my first semester of school! I maybe took a little head start on summer on Thursday already as my friend Juuso asked me to come to the USA-Russia hockey game in Helsinki. We had some awesome seats right on ice level, I never imagined I'd get a chance like that and there I was looking eye to eye some of the world's best!
Anyways, yesterday I officially moved back to Espoo to Juho's crib for the summer and Monday I'm starting my work at Master golf (6am!?). As for Friday we went out to party with some friends.
I'd like to post more pictures of what I wear (sorry for the selfies, need to get a cameraman haha) and stuff like that since I at least like my own style and especially summer gear! The shorts I'm wearing I bought already beginning of the year from Zara and I love wearing my ''sailor shoes'' almost everyday in the summer.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Anyways I'm off to study and summer vacation officially starts tomorrow, later peep's!
mom made some pancackes |
after a long shopping spree with mom |
Łódź Voivodeship, Poland
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
So my name is Aleksi or Allu as everyone call's me, i'm 22 years (very soon 23) and i live in Porvoo where i study international business at Haaga-Helia. How i got here? that's a long story and ill give you the details over time but i will tell you this, i'm originally born in Kotka, Finland, i've lived almsot ten years abroad (all in asia and i can post about that later) then lately in Espoo, Finland and now in little Porvoo where i have come to study.
I might not be the most exciting, intriguing or hell even fashionable if that's what some of you want but i can assure you I have some interesting stuff and stories to share. Otherwise i wouldnt be here writing to you all....so come with me (clishe's all around haha).
p.s. i guess im making this mostly for myself as i want to look back at myself, what i did, with who and what i looked like.
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